Acupuncture 針灸
Acupuncture is a unique treatment that has been used for centuries in China to treat internal diseases. By utilizing the meridians and acupoints of the body, along with specific techniques, we are able to treat systemic diseases. Using traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment methods, we can identify the root cause of the problem, distinguish the nature of the disease, and determine the corresponding treatment. Our acupuncture service helps to regulate qi and blood flow, balance yin and yang, and harmonize the functions of organs to prevent diseases.
針灸是一種中國特有的治療疾病的手段。它是一種“內病外治”的醫術。是通過經絡、腧穴的傳導作用,以及應用一定的操作法,來治療全身疾病。 在臨床上按中醫的診療方法診斷出病因,找出關鍵,辨別性質,明確病變屬於哪一經脈,哪一臟腑,辨明它是屬於表裡、寒熱、虛實中那一類型,做出診斷。然後進行相應的配穴處方進行治療。以通經脈,調氣血,使陰陽歸於相對平衡,臟腑功能趨於調和,從而達到防疾病的目的。
Cupping 拔罐
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.

Infrared heat 紅外熱療
This therapeutic technique uses infrared light to penetrate deep into the body's tissues, promoting circulation, relaxation, and pain relief. Infrared heat is a gentle, yet effective way to reduce muscle tension, inflammation, and joint stiffness, making it a perfect complement to acupuncture treatment.
Herbal Salve 藥泥灸
Thick, rich, Chinese herbal salve/poultice, which looks like black peanut butter, containing over 15 herbs, is applied topically at inflammation site then bandaged to help reduce local pain,stress, inflammation and it's used to detoxify.

Guasha 刮痧
Soft tissue manipulation technique to obtain myofascial release, break up scar tissue and alleviate tense muscles.
Ear-Seed for Weight Control 耳針減肥
Ear seed therapy (Auriculotherapy) is the stimulation of specific points on the ear, which is believed to be a microsystem of the entire body. Known to work with your body to help you lose weight by decreasing your appetite while increasing your metabolism.

Health Consultation 把脈看診
The consultation is a traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis for the system. The diagnosis is normally very thorough and employs the ancient Chinese arts of pulse and tongue diagnosis, palpation, and observation. Our recommendations are tailored for each individual patient.
Herb Formula 中藥開方
Individual substances are rarely prescribed alone in Traditional Chinese Medicine. A carefully balanced recipe of several different herbs is specifically tailored for each person’s entire health condition. Each herb is chosen for its own specific functions. In addition, herbs can enhance the strengths and reduce the side effects of each other. The combination of substances in a formula creates a new therapeutic agent that can treat much more effectively and completely that a single substance.

Electrotherapy 电疗
Electrotherapy includes a range of treatments using electricity to reduce pain, improve circulation, repair tissues, strengthen muscles, and promote bone growth, leading to improvements in physical functioning.
利用不同類型電流和電磁場治療疾病的方法。不同類型電 流對人體主要生理作用不同。直流電是方向恒定的電流,可改變體內離子分布,調整機體功能,常用來作藥物離子導入;低、中頻電流刺激神經肌肉收縮,降低痛閾,緩解粘連,常用於神經肌肉疾病,如損傷、炎癥等;高頻電以其對人體的熱效應和熱外效促進循環,消退炎癥和水腫,刺激組織再生,止痛,常用以治療損傷、炎癥疼痛癥候群。
Moxibustion 艾灸
“Moxa” is a powerful herb often used during treatments to supplement certain points and provide warmth to certain areas of the body. It has a smell that is like incense and gives acupuncture points a strong boost.